Selasa, 24 Januari 2017

Controlling the Discussion Text

Discussion text is a text describing the type of problem which is reviewed by at least two different viewpoints, and then come to a conclusion or recommendation

The Purpose Of Discussion Text
Communicative purposes of a text discussion is to present two perspectives on an issue. (To present two points of view of an issue)

Generic Structure Discussion Text
A discussion of text, usually has a structural pattern common text as follows:
  1.  Issue
    The first paragraph of the text contains a discussion exposure of issues to be addressed or discussed in the text.
  2. Arguments For or Against
    After presenting the issue, the author describes some views positively or negatively on the issues at stake. Authors can first expose pro opinion (arguments for) and then followed with the opinion of the counter (arguments against) in the next paragraph.
  3. Elaboration
    Authors must provide elaboration on some of the opinions that have been presented. Elaboration is an explanatory sentences about an opinion presented. An elaboration of this could have been written in a separate paragraph or written directly after the opinion pro or contra presented. 
  4. Conclusion or Recommendation 
    The final part of the discussion text typically contain conclusions or recommendations writer on the issue being discussed so that the reader can follow and agree with the opinion of the author.

Language Features Of Discussion Text
  1. Focus on matters relating to human and non-human. 
  2. Using words that mean the opposite circuited for example, but, however, in the other side and its consequences (cause) for example: so, then. 
  3. Using words that means thinking like: feel, hope, believe. 
  4. Using the Simple Present.

                                                      Pros and Cons of Smoking Bans
Smoking ban policies are implemented in some American states and cities but the contentions on whether they are necessary and relevant are still heard from supporters and critics. Restrictions on cigarette smoking can be traced back as early the 16th century and up to now, this issue remains to be controversial. To get an idea on how people are taking smoking bans, here are some of the views expressed by proponents and opponents.
Advocates for smoking bans claim that passing a policy to prohibit smoking in public places can lessen the possibility of second-hand smoke being inhaled by non-smokers. The supporters also say that states and cities which have non-smoking policies and prohibited smoking in restaurants and public indoor spaces have better indoor air quality then the cities which still allow smoking public. With restricting smoking, supporters posit that it will decrease the waste since there will be lesser cigarette butts and lesser toxic garbage that can be stuck in water systems. It is also believed by the supporters that it can lessen the chance of influencing others to take on the habit.
For many smokers, smoking bans is one of the government’s ways of interfering in their lifestyle. They find this offensive because they believe that, since smoking is not a crime, the government nor anyone else should not have a say about what they do and limit their freedom. In principle, smoking bans aren’t effective since they will make people just avoid places with smoking bans and smoke elsewhere rather than to quit or at least to reduce their tobacco consumption. Implementing smoking bans also can be very difficult. There are many people and even establishments that don’t respect the ban mainly because the penalties aren’t so stiff and won’t get offenders into too much trouble.
These are just some of the pros and cons of smoking bans. Government officials, business owners, and ordinary citizens should weigh them carefully to decide if smoking bans are worth implementing or not.

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1 komentar:

  1. Assalamualaikum.wr.wb. perkenalkan nama saya Hariyati Dewi Tki Hongkong, saat menulis ini saya teringat memory masa lalu.saya sangat tergugah hati melihat coretan hati yang Ibu tulis. saya jadi teringat tentang masa-masa sulit dulu,karena iktiar dan usaha , seolah2 menjadi dendam bukan lagi motivasi, cuma satu tujuan saya pada saat bagaiman caranya untuk bangkit..singkat kata berbagai macam iktiar dan cara yang saya lalui, mengingat pada saat itu hutang saya 1,2m yang tidak sedikit, belum lagi bunga renternir yang bertambah. karena usaha, kesungguhan hati, akhirnya saya menemukan jalan /solusi melalui Program Pesugihan Dana Gaib Tanpa Tumbal. saya percaya ALLAH ITU TIDAK DIAM MAHA PENYAYANG , cobaan itu bukan lah ujian tapi hadiah yang tersilmut untuk kebahagiaan yang sebenar2nya. Dengan keyakina dan keberania saya ikut bergabung untuk mengikuti Program Pesugihan Dana Gaib Tanpa Tumbal dan memohonkan dana sesuai kebutuhan dan kesanggupan saya. Cuma dalam waktu 1 hari 1 malam saya mendapat telpon dari pihak Program tersebut, Alhamdulillah dana yang saya mohonkan sudah cair dan sudah dapat saya gunakan untuk melunasi hutang. jika anda ingin seperti saya
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