Sabtu, 14 Januari 2017

Invitations and Offers

An invitation is a request, a solicitation, or an attempt to get another person to join you at a specific event. Kalau kita artikan dalam bahasa Indonesia, invitation adalah permintaan, ajakan, atau upaya terhadap orang lain agar bersedia bergabung dengan kita pada suatu acara tertentu

Expressing invitation is an expression associated with the invitation.
Making Invitations
Here are words that can be used to invite someone to an event or activity :
Would you like to …? (Apakah kamu akan …?)
I would be pleased if you could … (Saya akan senang jika kamu bisa …)
Would you care to …? (Maukah kamu …)
Could you come to …? (Bisakah kamu datang ke …)
I would be delighted if you … (Saya akan senang jika kamu …)
Why don’t you come to …? (Mengapa tidak kamu datang ke …?)
Shall we come to … (Akankah kita datang ke …)

Accepting Invitations
Here are words that can be used to accept an invitation :
Sure. Why not? (Tentu. Mengapa tidak?)
Thank you for inviting me. (Terima kasih telah mengundang saya.)
I’d like to come. (Saya suka untuk datang.)
That would be very nice. (Itu akan menjadi sangat bagus.)
With pleasure. (Dengan senang hati.)
What a delightful idea. (Betapa ide yang menyenangkan.)
All right. (Baiklah.)
OK, I’ll be there. (OK, saya akan ada di sana.)
Sure, I’m coming. (Tentu, saya datang.)

Declining Invitations
To reject an invitation could be to use these words :
I’d like to, but … (Saya ingin, tapi …)
Unfortunately, I can’t. (Sayangnya, saya tidak bisa.)
I’m so sorry, I don’t think I can. (Saya benar-benar minta maaf, saya tidak berpikir saya bisa.)
I’m sorry, I have to … (Maafkan saya, saya harus …)
That’s sounds nice, but I’m sorry I’m very busy. (Itu terdengar bagus, tetapi maaf saya saya sangat sibuk.)
Thank you for asking me, but … (Terima kasih telah meminta saya, tapi …)
Thank you, but I can’t. (Terima kasih, tetapi saya tidak bisa.)
I don’t think I can. (Saya tidak berpikir saya bisa.)
I’d love to, but … (Saya ingin, tapi …)

Example Teks Dialog Expressing Invitation :
Ria: Hi Lia. Where are you going?
Lia: I’m going to the market.
Ria: Would you like to come to my wedding next week?
Lia: Sure. Why not?
Ria: Thank you.
Lia: You’re welcome.

What is an offer?
An offer is a statement of the terms which the client (the offeror) is prepared to be contractually bound. The offer must be complete, specific and capable of being accepted. It must include the fundamental terms of the agreement with the intention that no further negotiations are to take place. Client offer contractor the work and therefore the contractor must carry out the work under the client’s terms and conditions. It is possible to make a conditional offer. The effect of this is that an offer cannot be accepted if the condition has not been satisfied. For example the client requires the contractor to have a specific tool or machine before an offer can be made.

Termination of offer
An offer may be terminated or revoked if :
1. The offer is withdrawn or revoked at any time prior to acceptance provided there has been communication between the client and the contractor;
2.The client making the offer dies;
3. Failure of a condition;
4. reasonable period of time has elapsed – a time limit is specific on the offer made.

A fully binding contract is only formed if an offer is accepted. Acceptance is a final and unqualified acceptance of all the terms of the offer. The offer must be accepted without introducing any new terms. Acceptance does not take place until communicated to the client making the offer. Communication of acceptance is the moment when the contract is formed and the acceptance must be in the form of designated by the client.
Making Offers (Membuat Penawaran)
Here are words that can be used to make offers :
Can I …? (Bolehkah saya …?)
May I …? (Bolehkah saya …?)
Shall I …? (Haruskah saya …?)
How about I … (Bagaimana dengan saya …)
Would you …? (Maukah kamu …?)
Accepting Offers (Menyetujui Penawaran)
Here are words that can be used to accept an Offers :
Thank you, I appreciate your help. (Terima kasih, saya menghargai bantuanmu.)
Yes, please. (Ya, tolonglah.)
Yes please, that would be lovely.
Thank you, it is very kind of you.
Declining Offers (Menolak Penawaran)
To reject an Offers could be to use these words :
No, thanks. (Tidak, terima kasih.)
No, thank you. (Tidak, terima kasih.)
It’s okay, I can do it myself. (Ini tidak apa-apa, saya bisa melakukan ini sendiri.)
Don’t worry, I will do it myself. (Jangan khawatir, saya bisa melakukan ini sendiri.)

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