Sabtu, 14 Januari 2017

Asking and Giving Opinion

1         1.      Opinion includes  the words of opinion and argument/ reasons.
2         2.      Opinion dialogue is a dialog consists of two persons or more who have opinion each others. It can    use the expressions, such as in my opinion, in my view, I think etc.
3         3.   Argument dialogue is a dialog that states the arguments or reasons. It can use the words such as first, second etc for arranging arguments.

Asking Opinion
  1. What do you think of…? Apa pendapat Anda tentang…?
  2. What do you think about…? Apa pendapat Anda tentang…?
  3. How d’you feel (about…)? bagaimana perasaan mu tentang……..?
  4. What d’you reckon (about…)? apa yang kamu rasakan tentan…….?
  5. What’s your opinion of…?apa pendapat mu tentang……..?
  6. (What do think about) that? apa pendapat mu tentang itu ………?
  7. What are your views on…? apakah pandangan mu terhadap…………?
  8. Where do you stand (on…)? diamana posisi mu pada …………..?
  9. What would you say to… / if we…? apa yang akan kamu katakan pada …………..? jika kita………?
  10. Are you aware of…..? apakah kamu menyadari bahwa ……………?

Giving Opinion                
          1.      In my opinion (Di pendapatku)
2        2.      I personally believe (saya yakin)
3        3.       I think that (aku berfikir bahwa)
4        4.       As far I know (Sejauh yang aku tau)
5        5.      I tend to think that (Aku berpikir bahwa)
6        6.       In my view (menurutku)
7        7.      I don’t think I care for it (aku tidak berfikir Aku perduli tentang itu)
8        8.      To my mind (menurutku) 
9        9.      If you ask me, I feel (jika kau bertanya padaku, aku merasa)
          10.  From my point of view (dari pendapatku)

The sample Dialogue (Contoh Dialog) Asking and Giving Opinion. 

Mr.Rasyid           : What’s your opinion about The New English Book?
waldan                 : My opinion is such an expensive book.
Mr. rasyid           : Very good. How about you Lisa?
Gibran                 : Well, I think it’s  Ok. I Like That. it’s not too thick and no expensive.
Mr. rasyid           : Good. Any body has another opinion?
Tegar                    : Yes, I have. My opinion is that book is too thick.
Mr. rasyid           : Good. All your answers are correct. Do you understand, students?
Students              : Yes. We got it, sir.
Mr. rasyid           : Great. You’re really smart.
Students              : Thank you.

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